Science13.07.2023 - 11:20

The Daily Star: Harvard scientist accused of stealing a meteorite that is allegedly part of an alien ship

American astrophysicist Avi Leb's research on the ocean floor off Manus Island has erupted into scandal.

Фото: Courtesy of Avi Loeb

American scientist Avi Leb is accused of theft. According to Papua New Guinea authorities, he stole a meteorite from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean near Manus Island, which is actually part of an alien ship.

According to The Daily Star, the Harvard scientist's research was conducted in June. According to Leeb, he and his team received permission to conduct the work. They subsequently lifted about 50 small balls, which are made up of iron, magnesium and titanium, from a depth of 1,700 meters.

However, Manus Penua provincial head George Polon and the head of immigration are convinced that the scientist deceived them. According to them, the research team lifted objects from the ocean floor, but they did not have authorization for this kind of work. Employees of the National Research Institute, who supervised the work of foreign scientists in the country, also said that they did not authorize the American team to retrieve any objects from the ocean floor.

According to their version, Leb stole a piece of the IM1 meteorite, which fell into the Pacific Ocean in 2014. It attracted the attention of scientists because it was characterized by an unusually high speed of movement. Therefore, some researchers believe that it was not a meteorite that fell into the ocean, but an alien ship.
