Iceland has launched a state-of-the-art plant that will “suck” pollution out of the atmosphere like a vacuum cleaner.
In Iceland, a plant called Mammoth has been put into operation, which will clean the atmosphere from pollution.
The plant was built by a company from Sweden, Climeworks, Ferra reports. It differs from other similar plants in that it will pull pollution directly from the atmosphere, like a vacuum cleaner.
The Mammoth plant has become the world's largest such technology. It has a modular design with room for 72 collectors, 12 of which are already operational.
When the remaining collectors come online, Mammoth will be able to extract 36,000 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere each year. That's the emissions produced by about 8,000 gas-powered cars in a year.
After the extracted carbon will be transported underground for long-term storage in natural rock formations.
Earlier, Australian scientists discovered the cleanest air on Earth. Also scientists said that 8000 years ago there was a sharp reduction in the ice cover in Antarctica.