Science12.06.2024 - 13:09

Artificial intelligence helps you fall asleep 74% faster

In the development invested 12 million dollars.


Scientists have developed a medical device called Elemind that helps you fall asleep faster. It works with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). In the development invested 12 million dollars.

The device resembles a headband. It reads brain waves and stimulates them, putting them into the phase of deep sleep. The gadget can precisely control brain waves, which provides a more targeted approach than drugs, writes

CEO and co-founder of the developer Meredith Perry noted that medications affect the entire body, causing side effects. Elemind offers a direct solution that learns and dynamically adjusts to each individual.

The creators have called this approach “electric medicine.” Clinical trials show that the technology induces sleep 74% faster, reduces tremors and improves memory. Scientists plan to develop the technology and aim to create devices that help with various neurological diseases.

Earlier, scientists from Singapore created smart lenses that require a saline solution to charge them.

