Science07.09.2023 - 11:15

The UN said the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record

In August, a record average global ocean surface temperature of 20.98 degrees Celsius was recorded.

Фото: from open sources

Last summer was the hottest in the history of weather observations. This statement was made by UN Secretary General António Guterres.

He noted that the average temperature was so high that the Earth practically "experienced a boiling season". For example, in August, temperature readings increased by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the average. As a result, the average temperature for the month reached 20.98 degrees Celsius.

"A climate crisis has begun that calls for intensified joint efforts," Guterres summarized.

He backed up his statement with data according to which the climate on the planet is being destroyed so quickly that mankind is not yet able to cope with extreme weather events.

At the same time, weather disasters have begun to hit every corner of the planet, he added. Therefore, Guterres appealed to the leaders of the countries with a call to activate and take joint measures against global warming.

Earlier it was reported that global warming could lead to the extinction of 10% of humanity.
