Science06.02.2024 - 17:48

Scientists from France have predicted a catastrophic heatwave during the 2024 Olympics

Analysts believe the heatwave that will set in Paris in 2024 during the event will break the 2003 record.

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Scientists believe that the 2024 Olympic Games will be held in a catastrophic heat wave. Such conclusions were made by researchers from the Laboratory of Climatic Sciences and Environment in France, writes in the journal npj Climate and Atmocultural Science.

According to their calculations, the air temperature will rise in Paris to record levels and will surpass the indicators in 2003.

The height of the seasonal temperature cycle in the Paris area will occur at the same time as the Summer Olympics. Scientists are confident that such heat will have consequences for both people and the environment.

Meanwhile, earlier scientists said that last year turned out to be the hottest in the history of meteorological observations. At the same time, they can not explain what caused such a sharp increase in air temperature across the planet.

Also, scientists from the University of Helsinki in Finland revealed an excessively high concentration of atmospheric aerosols over Siberia.
