Science06.02.2023 - 19:18

British scientists said that two hours in traffic reduced cognitive function of the brain

Scientists conducted an experiment to find out how spending many hours in traffic affects the human brain.

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A long stay in a traffic jam is not only tiring, but also bad for human health. This statement was made by scientists from the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria.

They conducted an experiment to recreate the conditions when a person sits in a traffic jam. They found out that the exhaust fumes, which the driver and his passengers breathe during this time, badly affects the brain.

And the parts of the brain responsible for cognitive functions and passive thinking processes are most affected, according to the Environmental Health.

According to scientists, the negative impact begins to affect after two hours of staying in traffic. However, it is temporary, they noted, and suggested that with constant exposure to exhaust fumes, the damage could increase.

