Science04.12.2023 - 22:19

Russian scientists have invented a way to create an analog of cocoa from buckwheat husks

Scientists from the Ural State University of Economics have presented a new way of creating a substitute for cocoa powder using husk, a waste product of buckwheat groats.

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According to, the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science, husk powder can replace up to 15% of cocoa, while preserving the chocolate flavor in products. By the way, Russia is the second largest producer of buckwheat in the world, and husk, which makes up 22% of the processed grain, is becoming a safe raw material for various industries.

Professor Olga Chugunova from UrSEU emphasized that buckwheat husk is rich in nutrients. Its powder covers the daily requirements in dietary fiber, flavonoids, manganese, magnesium and iron, which is a significant percentage of the recommended level for health.

The researchers also developed formulations for creams, biscuits and confectionery icing based on mathematical modeling. These products contain essential nutritional components and have antioxidant properties. Application of the new technology does not require significant changes in the production process, which makes it available to various food industry institutions.

Recall that earlier the expert told why it is harmful to work sitting down.
