Science02.05.2024 - 14:32

Russian scientists have learned how to extract microplastics from fish

Biologists at Tomsk State University (TSU) have announced the patenting of a new method for extracting microplastics from fish tissue.

Фото: Natalia Seliverstova / RIA Novosti

According to the university representatives to the RIA Novosti agency, the study of microplastics and their environmental impact occupies an important place in modern science and is among the top 10 global scientific trends. At the same time, there are a limited number of effective methods for analyzing synthetic particles. Thanks to the efforts of TSU biologists, a new method has been developed, for which a patent has been obtained.

Julia Frank, director of the TSU Center for Microplastic Research, explained that the method is based on sequential treatment of fish samples with various reagents, including tissue hydrolysis and oxidation of organic material. This allows for the extraction of microplastics from the gastrointestinal tract and other fish organs.

TSU noted that establishing reliable and relatively simple protocols for microplastic extraction is a pressing challenge for many research groups around the world. It is especially important to assess the number and mass of plastic particles in food webs, investigating their impact on food safety.

Research in this area will be a priority for the team at TSU's Center for the Study of Microplastics in the Environment as part of a project supported by the federal Priority 2030 program.

Earlier, scientists found suspicious microparticles in Yamal rivers and lakes, and research into the history of mankind may be hindered by microplastics.
