Science01.09.2022 - 16:43

Scientists have found a link between blood type and the likelihood of early death from a stroke

People with the blood type A have an 18% higher risk of dying of a heart attack.


Blood type can indicate the likelihood of dying from an early stroke. Such conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Maryland.

They conducted a meta-analysis of all available data from genetic studies of ischemic strokes in people under the age of 60. The 48 studies included 17,000 people who had had heart attacks and nearly 600,000 healthy people.

As a result, scientists found a connection between stroke and the region of the chromosome that is responsible for blood type. Adjusting for gender and other factors, the researchers found that patients with blood type А were 18 percent more likely to have an early stroke. People with blood type 0 had a 12 percent lower risk of early stroke than others.

Based on this data, scientists have suggested that the risk of developing an early stroke has something to do with blood clotting factors. For example, another study showed that people with blood type А had a slightly higher risk of deep vein thrombosis.
