Saint Petersburg30.03.2023 - 13:32

Half of the monthly norm of precipitation fell in St. Petersburg during the day

In St. Petersburg, 13.6 centimeters of precipitation fell in a day, which is half of the monthly rate.

Фото: from open sources

Snowfall occurred in the western part of Leningrad Oblast and St. Petersburg. Precipitation fell for more than 12 hours in the city.

In St. Petersburg the height of drifts was 14 cm, in the historic center of the city the snowfall was stronger, so there snow drifts reached 16 cm, - wrote the chief forecaster of St. Petersburg in his Telegram-channel.

Taking into account all the March precipitation, the monthly norm was exceeded by 200%. During the day in the city on the Neva River 16 cm of snow fell, which is half of the monthly norm.

