Saint Petersburg20.05.2024 - 14:14

Parking near Pulkovo Airport has skyrocketed in price

The cost of paid parking went up 75% back on May 11, but it's only now being announced on the airport's website.

Фото: Daria Dry / IA REGNUM

The Pulkovo Airport website recently informed that from May 11 the cost of paid parking near the airport has been increased by 75%. If earlier half an hour of parking cost 200 rubles and 250 rubles during peak hours, now half an hour costs 350 rubles, and an hour, respectively, 700 rubles.

The airport management explained this by the increase in passenger traffic and, accordingly, the growing demand for parking spaces in conditions when there is a shortage of them. It was stated that prices were raised only in the zones with the highest occupancy.

Now the prices in Pulkovo are equal to the prices in Moscow airports. The publication “Delovoy Peterburg” calculated that in Domodedovo daily parking costs 1200-1600 rubles, and in Pulkovo the most expensive daily parking now also costs 1600 rubles. At the same time in Vnukovo to leave a car for a day will cost 1100 rubles.

Earlier it was reported that in St. Petersburg will allocate almost 600 million for the purchase and installation of “smart” cameras.

May 17 in St. Petersburg ended a massive police operation to arrest electric scooters that violated parking rules.
