Saint Petersburg17.06.2024 - 11:10

Doctors in St. Petersburg registered 877 tick bites in a few days

More than a hundred of the tested ticks turned out to be carriers of dangerous diseases.

Фото: Tick

Department of Rospotrebnadzor for St. Petersburg reported that from June 6 to June 12, 877 people applied to doctors with complaints of tick bites. Among them there were 135 children under 17 years old. But directly on the city itself there are only 123 attacks of ticks.

Ticks are carriers of various dangerous and even fatal diseases. Out of 642 ticks removed from the victims and tested for borreliosis, 110 ticks tested positive. 12 ticks out of the tested 638 turned out to be carriers of monocytic ehrlichiosis, and two more could infect with granulocytic anaplasmosis.

During the same period, 3,690 St. Petersburg residents were vaccinated against tick-borne viral encephalitis. Doctors report that in case of detection on the body of the tick should immediately seek qualified medical assistance.

Earlier it was reported that more than 1200 people complained to doctors in the Tambov region about tick bites.

June 10, it was noted that doctors in Volgograd region registered more than 1000 cases of tick bites.
