Saint Petersburg13.06.2024 - 13:18

There are almost no bathing beaches left in St. Petersburg

Rospotrebnadzor made such conclusions after analyzing 48 water samples.

Фото: from open sources

The press service of Rospotrebnadzor reported that on June 10, 48 water samples were taken from 24 beaches, and according to the results of the analysis, bathing is allowed only in Lake Bezymyannyi. The beaches on the Izhora River, in the Gulf of Finland and many others in different parts of the city are considered unsuitable.

Earlier Rospotrebnadzor stated that of all the beaches in St. Petersburg, only three can be used for swimming without harm to health. In early summer, the Olginsky reservoir and the 1st Suzdalsky lake in the Vyborgsky district were recognized as suitable. But now they are excluded from the list.

Earlier it was reported that by the end of 2024 in St. Petersburg will appear five new gastronomic spaces in addition to the existing 17.

On June 10 it was noted that St. Petersburg by the end of the year may be visited by at least 10 million tourists.
