Saint Petersburg17.01.2024 - 14:40

St. Petersburg businessmen have become less likely to dismiss employees

Now the fight against staff turnover has become a priority. More than 60% of surveyed organizations did not cut employees last year

Фото: from open sources

Mass layoffs were recorded only at 11% of enterprises, at 17% there were selective layoffs. The rest of the respondents refrained from answering.

Lawyers (48%) and HR specialists (41%) were most often subjected to mass and selective downsizing last year.

Transportation (69%) and manufacturing-related workers (70%) were the least frequently affected by layoffs.

Over the past month it was also recorded that more than 340 thousand residents of St. Petersburg posted their resumes. It is predicted that this year the shortage of personnel will intensify, and job seekers will increase their requirements to potential employers. At the same time, 2023 in St. Petersburg was characterized by a minimum level of unemployment.

It is noted that most often new resumes are placed in the areas of sales, IT, administration, production, service, marketing, construction, transportation and logistics.
