Saint Petersburg11.01.2023 - 18:08

75% of St. Petersburg employers are planning to increase employees' salaries

In St. Petersburg 75% of employers are ready to increase the salaries of their employees in the next few months.

Фото: from open sources

According to a survey by job search service, 46% of companies in the city on the Neva are going to raise employee salaries by an average of 5% in January. Another 29% of employers are going to do it in February and March.

But there are high-paying vacancies even now. So for example, a specialist in radio electronic warfare ready to pay 200 thousand rubles a month, IT-specialists and specialists in the field of operation, real estate and construction can count on a salary of 300 thousand rubles. And the salary of the head of the marketplace department will be up to half a million roubles.

