Saint Petersburg05.09.2024 - 16:04

Due to arrears on alimony, 2012 residents of St. Petersburg lost their driver's licenses

Such a measure of punishment was chosen by employees of the Federal Bailiff Service. The agency noted that non-payment of child support is the main reason for deprivation of rights for debts.

Фото: publicly available

From January to July 2024 bailiffs of St. Petersburg temporarily deprived the driver's license of 2012 non-payers of alimony to minor children. This was reported by the press service of the department. In total, driver's licenses were taken away from 2495 residents of the city since the beginning of the year.

It is noted that the amount of arrears on child support has reached Br86 million, while all other cases of deprivation of rights account for only Br2 million of debt. In order to be applied such a measure of punishment, it is enough to overdue payment of 10 thousand rubles.

Earlier it was reported that the St. Petersburg court ruled to include the “Satanic Bible” by Anton LaVey in the list of extremist literature.

The case of a man who stole money and jewelry worth more than 1 billion rubles from the safe deposit boxes of one of the city's banks was transferred to the St. Petersburg court.
