Saint Petersburg02.11.2021 - 21:19

45% of citizens vaccinated against COVID-19 in St. Petersburg

45% of St. Petersburg residents have been vaccinated against coronavirus infection.

Фото: from open sources

In a survey conducted by scientists at the European University and the Smorodintsev Research Institute 5,064 people over the age of 18 took part. They were asked questions about vaccination and reasons for refusing it.

According to the survey, people over the age of 60 were vaccinated the most - 50%. Also often vaccinated were citizens with higher education (50%).

20% of unvaccinated citizens refused to be vaccinated due to medical contraindications.

35% were vaccinated with Sputnik V, 6% with Sputnik Lite, 3% with Covivac, and less than 1% with Epivaccorona; 1% of survey participants were revaccinated.

The survey also showed that St. Petersburg residents who tested positive for coronavirus at least once were less likely to be vaccinated - 36%.

