Politics30.07.2024 - 09:43

Protests take place in the center of Caracas

Protesters are shouting anti-government slogans, banging pots and accusing the authorities of falsifying the results of the presidential election.

Фото: RIA Novosti

Protests and clashes with police are taking place in the center of Caracas, including in the area of the Miraflores presidential palace. They involve a large number of motorcyclists who have filled the central streets and avenues, never ceasing to signal and effectively paralyzing car traffic in the center of the capital.

In the business part of Caracas, young people attacked police officers outside the Marriott Hotel, where international observers for Venezuela's presidential election were staying. Additional police patrols have been posted near the hotel.

Demonstrators shouted anti-government slogans, banging pots and accused the authorities of falsifying the voting results.

On July 28, Venezuela held presidential elections. According to the electoral commission after processing 80% of protocols, more than 51% of voters voted for Maduro, while 44% voted for the candidate from the extreme right-wing party Edmundo Gonzalez. One of the opposition leaders Corina Machado did not recognize the results of the election and declared Gonzalez the winner.

Earlier it was reported that Venezuela recalls its diplomats from seven countries that did not recognize the re-election of Maduro.
