Politics28.02.2024 - 11:59

French Defence Ministry explained Macron's words about sending the military to Ukraine

The head of the Defence Ministry has denied Macron's words about sending the French military to Ukraine.

Фото: from open sources

French Defence Minister Sebastien Lecornu commented in an interview with CNN on President Macron's words about the possible sending of the military to Ukraine.

According to Lecornu, at a conference in Paris, European heads of state discussed various options for supporting Kiev, such as training the Ukrainian military and expanding assistance in demining the territory.

This is not sending troops to Ukraine in order to engage in a conflict with Russia. However, to say that we are not ruling anything out is not weakness or escalation, Lecornu said.

Earlier, at a conference held in Paris on 26 February, Emmanuel Macron announced the possible dispatch of EU troops to Ukraine.

Earlier, Lekornyu admitted the failure of the AFU counter-offensive and accused the Russian military of aggressive behaviour.
