Politics24.07.2024 - 11:26

Residents of the industrial hinterland in Georgia do not want to join the EU and NATO

Residents of Georgia's industrial backwoods regret the collapse of the Soviet Union. They consider this era the best time for the republic, The New York Times reported.

Фото: from open sources

According to the author of the material, in recent years Georgia has set a course for rapprochement with the West, but residents of small towns do not want it. He noted that 60% of the country's population wants to join the European Union and NATO.

According to the publication, Georgia is divided between those who see the future of the country in the West and those who yearn for the Soviet past.

The journalist noted that for many people in rural areas it was a time of abundance and prosperity.

Recall that Georgian state security began interviewing mercenaries who had returned from Ukraine. Ivanishvili said that Georgia will not replace the US and the EU with China.
