Politics23.05.2024 - 14:13

Russian Foreign Ministry says relations with Japan continue to deteriorate

The Foreign Ministry believes that Japan itself should take steps to restore relations with Russia.

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On May 23, Lyudmila Vorobyeva, director of the Third Asia Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that relations with Japan continue to deteriorate - the 22nd package of sanctions is being prepared. Under such conditions, it is impossible to talk about restoring political contacts with Tokyo.

Vorobyeva noted that Japan itself broke off relations with Russia, and it should make the first steps towards their restoration. For this purpose, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida should stop pursuing his anti-Russian policy.

In addition, the Foreign Ministry is closely watching Japan's abandonment of the former peace-loving provisions of its constitution and accelerated remilitarization.

On May 22, the Japanese publication Hokkaido Shimbun reported that Japan recognized the unattainability of the idea of returning the Kuril Islands to Japan. This is due to the fact that under the conditions of the NWO in Russia, they are particularly attentive to changes in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Earlier it was reported that the visit of the Saudi crown prince to Japan was postponed.
