The United States, together with Britain, Germany and the Netherlands, managed to stop the activities of a botnet allegedly located in the Russian Federation (a wide network of computers controlled by hackers) called RSOCKS.
The U.S. Justice Department, along with law enforcement partners in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, "dismantled the infrastructure of the Russian botnet known as RSOCKS," which hacked millions of PCs and other electronic devices worldwide, the agency claims.
"This operation dismantled an advanced criminal organization based in Russia that was engaged in cyber hacking in the United States and other countries," said FBI agent Stacy Moya, who handled the case.
The operation to crack down on the hacking network began back in 2017. Then U.S. authorities found that cybercriminals managed to hack about 325,000 electronic devices. The Department of Justice has not yet disclosed the names of possible defendants in the case being considered in the Southern District of California.