Politics15.07.2024 - 10:49

EU boycotts foreign ministers' meeting in Budapest over Orban

EU diplomatic chief Josep Borrell will convene ministers for a «formal» foreign affairs summit during Orban's summit.

Фото: Reuters

The EU intends to organize a summit during the informal foreign minister's meeting in Budapest at the end of August to boycott it because of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visits to Russia and China.

According to Politico, citing sources in Brussels, the EU is mulling the unprecedented move of boycotting the August foreign minister summit in Hungary.

EU diplomatic chief Josep Borrell will convene ministers for a "formal" foreign affairs summit during Orban's summit, three European diplomats said.

One of the publication's sources added that if Borrel calls a formal meeting on the same day as the Budapest meeting is due to take place, the ministers will not be able to travel to Hungary. This is the EU's way of signaling to Hungary that it cannot speak for the whole EU, another source added.

Orban has recently made several foreign visits to find ways to resolve the situation in Ukraine. On July 5, he discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow possible conditions for the start of peace talks.

Three days before that, the Hungarian prime minister visited Kiev, where he talked about it with Vladimir Zelensky. After Orban visited Beijing.
