Politics15.03.2023 - 17:52

Time: West worries about Russian UNSC presidency in April

Western countries are afraid of the potential damage that Russia allegedly inflicts as chairman of the UN Security Council.

Фото: from open sources

According to The Time magazine, in April of this year the Russian Federation will chair the United Nations Security Council. In this regard, the West is frightened of the possible consequences for its policies.

The author of the article says that the right of Russia to become a member of the organization is questionable. He is also convinced that the country does not have enough political, economic and diplomatic power.

He also believes that during the last presidency the Russian side used its position to prevent the world community from helping Ukraine.

The UN proposes to change the conditions for choosing the country's presidency of the Security Council. The author of the article said that Russia could be banned from the post. In addition, the country could be completely excluded from the organization, the Security Council and the GA. Also, the UN may oblige Russia to apply for membership, which will be considered by member states.
