Politics14.05.2024 - 13:46

Blinken says Ukraine will receive more weapons from the US

A U.S. official believes the new arms deliveries will change the situation on the front.

Фото: US Embassy Nigeria, via Wikimedia Commons

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Kiev on 14 May and said in a conversation with President Zelenskyy that the new weapons allocated as part of the latest aid package had already started arriving in Ukraine and would help change the situation on the battlefield.

The official added that the AFU will receive even more weapons, but the USA expects Ukraine to become an independent country both militarily and economically. Russia, on the other hand, has repeatedly said that new weapons deliveries only prolong the conflict, but cannot change the negative trend for the AFU on the battlefield.

Earlier, the US publication The New York Times reported that the situation of the AFU in Kharkiv Region was very difficult.

The head of the Ukrainian GUR, Kirill Budanov (listed by Rosfinmonitoring in the register of terrorists and extremists), said that the Ukrainian army has very limited reserves and lacks ammunition. He believes that Russia's successes near Kharkiv may inspire the Russian Armed Forces command to launch a new offensive in Sumy Region.
