Politics11.07.2024 - 11:09

NATO demanded from the whole world not to provide any support to Russia

The final declaration says that the states condemn all those who prolong the Ukrainian conflict in this way.

Фото: AP

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has called on all countries of the world not to provide any support to Russia, in particular military support, a joint declaration by NATO countries has said.

In addition, the military bloc condemns those assisting Russia, thus prolonging military action in Ukraine, the document said.

NATO leaders agreed to develop recommendations on strategic approaches to relations with Russia by the next summit of the bloc.

At the same time, the declaration states that the North Atlantic Alliance allegedly does not seek confrontation and does not pose a threat to Russia.

At the summit will be announced on further military assistance to Ukraine.

Earlier, Zelensky realized that Ukraine's membership in NATO was unattainable.

