Politics08.07.2024 - 17:26

Attal remains prime minister of France

French President Emmanuel Macron did not accept the resignation of the country's Prime Minister Gabriel Attal. The politician filed a corresponding petition the day after Macron's union lost the parliamentary elections.

Фото: IMAGO/Vincent Isore/Global Look Press

This is reported by the TV channel BFM TV.

The presidential administration said that Macron asked Attal not to leave the post of prime minister to ensure stability in the country.

On the night of July 8, Attal said on social networks that he would submit a letter of resignation following the second round of parliamentary elections. At the same time, he noted that he was ready to perform the duties of Prime Minister of France "as long as necessary", as soon the country "will host the whole world."

In addition, it was reported that the Prime Minister of France was elected to the Parliament, gaining in the district of Hauts-de-Seine 58.23% of votes. Some ministers also won victories in their constituencies.

Le Pen's party won the first round of the election with 33.36% of the vote. The second place went to the "New Popular Front" with 28.32% of votes. The third place was occupied by French President Emmanuel Macron's association "Together for the Republic" with 21.06% of votes.

As of July 7, a record 59.71% took part in the second round of parliamentary elections in France, reported the Interior Ministry of the Republic. According to the agency, this is more than in the first round (59.39%).
