Moscow31.07.2022 - 07:31

Muscovite created a social network for people with mental disabilities

Moscow resident Zoya Romanova invented and developed a social network for people with mental disabilities, where they can learn to communicate remotely.

Фото: Official website of the mayor of Moscow

A student of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI), she has been involved in web design since high school. When Zoya was in ninth grade, she designed a social network "Emo" for people with mental disabilities. Zoya took into account that users would need special emoji to help them interpret virtual emotions, a user-friendly interface, and a large font.

Now the network has 400 users from two dozen institutions in six regions of Russia, according to the official portal of the mayor of Moscow.

Not only people with mental disabilities, but also their friends and relatives can register in the social network.

