Moscow26.02.2024 - 22:17

Fashion week will start in Moscow in the first days of March

It will be held in the capital from 1 to 8 March.

Фото: freepik

The second Moscow Fashion Week will take place from 1 to 8 March. Many designers will present their new collections at the exhibition-forum "Russia" at VDNKh. This was told in the press service of the capital government.

As part of the opening and closing of the fashion event will be held collective shows of Russian designers with the participation of famous artists.

From 2 to 7 March in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh" will be presented collections of designers from different regions of Russia.

Fashion designers from other countries will also take part in the shows within the framework of the bilateral cooperation agreement signed during the BRICS+ Fashion Summit forum.

Throughout the Moscow Fashion Week in the Manezh Exhibition Centre there will be an opportunity to buy clothes, shoes and accessories of domestic brands. V2V-showroom, a professional platform for businessmen, will also function there.

We will remind, Muscovites were offered to choose a name for the Amur tiger in the zoo. Master classes on creating tableware will be organised in Moscow.
