Moscow14.02.2024 - 13:18

Moscow will raffle off prizes for those who voted online in the Russian presidential election

Winners will be determined each day until ten o'clock.

Фото: freepik

Presidential elections will be held in Russia from 15 to 17 March. Moscow residents who voted online or through an electronic voting terminal will be able to take part in the #vybiryemvmeste2024 campaign of the Million Prizes programme.

From 16 to 18 March, prizes will be drawn. The winners will be determined every day until 10:00. After 12:00, these participants will be notified of their winnings by SMS. To get the prize they will need to activate a unique code on the site of the action until 23:59 on 30 March.

Recall, Sobyanin announced the holding of free excursions in Moscow. Over 100 km of motorways will be built in TINAO by 2030.
