Moscow07.10.2022 - 13:59

Moscow Zoo will buy a friendly walrus for 20 million rubles

The information appeared on the site of state procurement.

Фото: from open sources

The Moscow zoo, where the pavilion "Pinnipeds" recently opened, is ready to buy a walrus. The relevant information appeared on the site of state procurement.

It is noted that the walrus must pass the mandatory parameters. Thus, the main criterion is a friendly character of the animal, it must be a male, and its age must not exceed 9 years. The weight of the walrus is allowed up to 800 kg.

However, a home for the walrus has already been found. It will live in the pavilion "Pinnipeds".

Director General of Moscow Zoo Svetlana Akulova said that the new pavilion is a three-storey building, which housed five swimming pools for animals.

The neighbors of the walrus will be sea lions and Steller sea lions.


