Moscow04.09.2024 - 14:41

Moscow mayor's office named the term of the season of summer verandas in cafes

Summer verandas season in Moscow may last until November, if the weather conditions are favorable. This is reported by the official website of the mayor of the capital.

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According to Alexei Nemeryuk, Minister of the Moscow City Government and Head of the Department of Trade and Services, Muscovites show great interest in summer verandas. Active opening of seasonal cafes continues throughout the warm season, even in the last summer months. In this regard, the authorities remind that if the weather is good, verandas will be able to operate until November.

According to the established rules, the final deadline for dismantling summer cafes is November 15. This year from the beginning of the season, which started on April 1, 3.7 thousand summer cafes worked in Moscow, and now their number has reached about 4 thousand.

All summer verandas are obliged to be included in the scheme of placement of seasonal cafes at stationary public catering facilities. Since 2022, this service is available both in paper and electronic form on the portal. Registration is carried out indefinitely and free of charge.

In addition, legal entities and entrepreneurs can apply for the placement of verandas online through the portal in the section “Advertising, trade and catering”. To do this, it is necessary to register the office of the organization on the portal.

Earlier began the rehabilitation of another pond in Moscow. Also Mayor Sobyanin told about the progress of renovation in the south-east of the capital.
