Incidents30.08.2022 - 10:12

A man was stabbed to death during a traditional carnival in London

The incident took place in Notting Hill.

Фото: from open sources

A man died during a carnival in the Notting Hill neighborhood of London. According to local law enforcers, he was stabbed. Medics fought for his life, but failed. The young man died despite the efforts of doctors on Monday evening, August 29.

The weekend before, a traditional carnival was held in the area. There had been several stabbings of people. The deceased was 21 years old.

A total of 209 citizens were arrested at the carnival, according to law enforcement agencies. This was caused by attacks with weapons, carrying and carrying drugs, as well as other violations.

Note, the Notting Hill Festival has been held since 1966. Its main participants are natives of the Caribbean region - the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, who began settling in the area in the 1950s. In recent years, the event has been very popular. About a million people gather. But during the festival, numerous crimes are recorded. To protect themselves from rioters, locals nail up storefronts and house windows with shields made of plywood. Carnival vandals smash up the neighborhood.
