According to the BAZA Telegram channel, one of the cars belongs to Igor Sechin, head of Rosneft.
Today in Moscow there was a traffic accident involving a motorcade with special signals. According to information provided by the Telegram channel Baza, one of the vehicles in the motorcade allegedly belongs to Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft.
The incident occurred on Ostozhenka Street, where the motorcade consisting of three cars was moving along the road. In this cortege there was a Mercedes with EKH license plates, as well as two accompanying police cars. There was a collision near house No. 10, involving the first car from the police escort, which collided with the jeep at the intersection.
After the accident, the motorcade, despite what happened, left the scene and continued driving.
Recall that earlier it became known that the "raw food blogger" Lyutiy, who starved his infant son, secretly eats meat food in the detention center.