Incidents24.06.2024 - 12:17

Three drones were neutralized in the skies over the Rostov region

Drone debris fell on the territory of an industrial enterprise. Operational services are specifying the damage caused. It is known that there were no casualties or fatalities.

Фото: RIA Novosti

The governor of Rostov Region, Vasily Golubev, has reported the repulsion of an air attack by the Kiev regime in the region.

He specified that the air defense forces shot down one drone and neutralized two more.

"In the Rostov region, air defense forces reflect an air attack. One UAV was shot down, two more were suppressed by air defense means," Golubev said in a message in his Telegram channel.

There are no casualties. Operational services are working at the site.

Last week, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian air defense forces shot down 70 aircraft-type drones over the Rostov region in one night alone, from Thursday to Friday. This was the most massive terrorist attack by the Ukrainian armed forces.

On the night of July 21, Ukrainian UAVs attacked Krasnodar. Several people were injured.
