Incidents23.10.2020 - 15:33

In Urals, ALV production company received fine

The manufacturer of artificial lung ventilation devices «Aventa-M» was fined due to violations in the implementation of devices. Several Aventa-M devices caught fire in hospitals of Moscow and St. Petersburg, killing people.

The amount of the fine determined by the court in a lawsuit against the Ural instrument-engineering plant (part of Rostec) amounted to 500 thousand rubles. The company was brought to such responsibility under the article on the circulation of poor-quality and unregistered medical devices.

The lawsuit against the plant was filed after the fires of devices that occurred in hospitals of Moscow and St. Petersburg. 8 people died in these fires.

The press service of the plant says that the violations and the fine imposed by the court are not related to fires in hospitals.


Photo: Yaromir Romanov /


