Incidents23.05.2024 - 14:52

The city of Hamburg was enveloped in acrid smoke due to a large fire that broke out in the port

Cargo delivery to the port has been suspended, about 80 emergency workers are involved in extinguishing the fire.

Фото: from open sources

A large fire broke out on Thursday, May 23, in the port of the city of Hamburg in northern Germany. The acrid smoke from the hearth of the fire enveloped the city, which can be dangerous for residents. About this incident is reported by the publication Bild. The source of the fire on the territory of the port was a warehouse that caught fire in the morning, where 60 tons of scrap metal is stored.

Residents of houses in the Heimfeld neighborhood are advised by the authorities to tightly close windows and doors, not to turn on air conditioners, so that the poisonous cinders do not get into the dwellings. Specialists systematically measure the level of concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere. According to EMERCOM forecasts, the smoke cloud is moving to the northeast and is likely to cover the Harburg district and the city of Wilhelmsburg.

About 80 emergency workers are involved in localizing and extinguishing the fire. Delivery of cargoes to the port is suspended, firefighters closed the area Süderelbe for shipping.

The port of Hamburg has already experienced a similar fire a year ago, which also caused poisoning of the atmosphere by smoke gases and chemical components.
