Incidents22.11.2020 - 22:58

Shark attack off Australian coast kills man

A shark attacked a 60-year-old man off the northwest coast of Australia near the city of Broome. He died from his injuries.

According to Australian law enforcement agencies, on the main city beach of Cable Beach, a shark attacked a 60-year-old swimmer near the coast, as a result of which the man lost his hand, and also received a serious leg injury.

Witnesses of the incident took the victim out of the water and called doctors, but the man died before their arrival.

After the incident, the beach was closed to visit, local waters are now patrolling.

It is worth noting that over the past month and a half this is the second shark attack in the area. The western coast of Australia has long been considered the most dangerous.

In total, this year eight people died as a result of a meeting with predators off the coast of Australia.


Photo: from open sources
