Incidents21.06.2024 - 11:15

Rescuers in Sochi find body of girl swept out to sea by storm

Presumably, it is the same resident of the Lipetsk region who drowned in Sochi.

Фото: Pikabu

On Friday, June 21, it became known that the body of a drowned girl was found in the Black Sea.

As reported in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, presumably, it is the same girl, who was carried into the sea by a storm wave on June 16.

The death of the 20-year-old girl shocked Russians. A two-minute video of a wave knocking her down and then dragging her into the sea has spread on the Internet. A young man who was next to her tried to save her. Emergency Situations Ministry rescuers started searching almost immediately, despite the raging storm. Although everyone already realized that the girl had drowned.

Her body was searched for several days.

"EMERCOM of Russia: rescuers found the body of the girl in the sea. Presumably, it was she who disappeared in Sochi on June 16. After identification will be established her identity", - said in the message of the Department.

It is known that the tourist from Lipetsk region flew to Sochi on June 15 together with her friend. They were to return home on June 21. The next day after arrival, the couple walked along the beach during a storm. The walk ended in tragedy.

Lifeguard Maxim Shtyb urged Russians to swim only when the sea was calm.
