Incidents20.10.2021 - 10:41

Police officers in Yekaterinburg began to resign en masse

The police in Yekaterinburg began to resign en masse, several heads of departments have already written up their reports.

According to the information from URA.RU, citing sources in the law enforcement agencies, the flow of discharged policemen has increased, with up to 20 reports being filed per day.

Four heads of departments either resigned or retired. Dmitri Shishmakov, head of the 14th department, had been in his post for only a year. Three people quit because of retirement, but most of the fired policemen left because of low salaries and high workload.

According to E1.Ru, there is a chain reaction. People started running away, the remaining people's workload increased, and they also started to leave.


Photo : from open sources
