The convict decided to get rid of the pet while in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
A resident of the village of Progress in the Amur region was convicted and sent to a penal colony for attempting to take the life of a small puppy, according to the regional prosecutor's office.
According to the prosecutor's office, in February of this year, the 40-year-old owner of a four-month-old puppy, being in a state of alcoholic intoxication, decided to kill it and thus get rid of the annoying dog. How she acted was not reported. But thinking the deed was done and the puppy would die, the cruel owner left the apartment.
The dog was found in time and saved by being sent to a veterinary clinic.
By the verdict of the justice of the peace a female resident of Progress settlement was found guilty according to the article of the Russian Criminal Code connected with attempted cruelty to animals. The court sentenced the accused to one year and three months of imprisonment to be served in a general regime penal colony, the report said.