Incidents19.06.2024 - 16:02

The sister of a girl missing at sea in Sochi said that rescuers did not immediately start looking for her

The search for 20-year-old Diana from the Lipetsk region, who was carried away by a wave into the sea, has been going on for several days in Sochi.

Фото: video screenshot

In Sochi they are looking for 20-year-old Diana, a native of the town of Usman, Lipetsk region, who was carried away by a wave into the sea. According to Gazeta.Ru, the tragedy occurred in the early morning on one of Sochi beaches. According to the sister of the missing, Anika, the girl went for a walk along the shore with two friends, Andrei and Denis.

"They were standing knee-deep in the water when wave after wave began to toss Diana onto the shore. She was carried to dry land twice, but none of the eyewitnesses came to her aid. Andrei, according to him, ran after the rescuers, although it was possible to pull her out of the water ourselves," Anika says. "People just stood and watched, filming what was happening on their phones. Everyone saw, but no one helped."

In Anika's opinion, the men who were with Diana are to blame for what happened. She emphasizes that the girl was at sea for the first time and could not assess the real danger. "Andrei, who is 31-32 years old, should have realized the danger and not let her go to the water!" - Anika resents.

Diana's sister also claims that the beach was open to visitors despite the storm. According to her, the rescuers did not immediately start searching for the girl, and the police refused to take a statement.

The tragic incident on the Sochi beach has caused a public outcry. The question of safety on the coast and responsibility for people's lives has become particularly acute. In social networks began an active discussion of the incident, many express bewilderment at the inaction of eyewitnesses.

It should be noted that swimming in the sea during a storm is extremely dangerous, and carelessness can lead to tragic consequences.
