Incidents16.07.2024 - 13:37

Delegate from North Korea drowned in Moscow, body of foreigner found 24 hours after the accident

The victim of the accident was Kim Kum Chol, a member of the official delegation from the DPRK.

Фото: ТГ-канал Shot

A 64-year-old foreigner was representing the interests of an agricultural enterprise in the Russian Federation as part of a working visit. With his colleagues he lived in Moscow on the territory of the DPRK Embassy on Mosfilmovskaya Street.

The incident took place on July 11, 2024 at the Angstrem beach in Zelenograd. According to the Telegram channel SHOT, the man got hot that day and decided to swim in a body of water. However, after several hours, Kim's colleagues were unable to contact him and sounded the alarm.

Only personal belongings of the North Korean were left on the sandy beach, but Kim himself could not be found. Representatives of the DPRK wrote a statement on the fact of the incident to the police. The search for the man on the day of disappearance yielded nothing.

The body of the foreigner surfaced from the bottom of the reservoir only the next day. The identity of the deceased was promptly identified by members of the North Korean delegation.

Currently, the law enforcement authorities of the capital are checking all the circumstances of the accident.

Earlier it became known that in Moscow a young man jumped from a bridge and surfaced with his head up.
