Incidents15.07.2024 - 11:55

Five women in labor in Moscow nearly gave birth in a stuck elevator of a maternity hospital

In Moscow, five women in the last stages of pregnancy got stuck in the elevator of a maternity hospital. The incident occurred on Lenskaya Street.

Фото: Bulkin Sergey / /

Such information was shared by the Shot telegram channel.

The publication found out that in the morning on Monday, July 15, the women went to give birth on the third floor of the maternity hospital of the Yeramishantsev Municipal Clinical Hospital, accompanied by a nurse.

Suddenly the elevator went to the minus first floor and stopped. At the same time, one of the patients went into labor. The repairmen could not be contacted, and the light in the cabin went out. The women in labor began to panic.

One of the women managed to call her husband and he called the rescue team. In total, in the confinement in a locked elevator expectant mothers spent about an hour.

Earlier it became known that the Ivanovo Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood is temporarily closed.

Earlier, Andrei Vorobyov reported on the support of families with children, including newborns.
