Incidents08.12.2023 - 14:50

S7 plane emergency landed in Novosibirsk due to engine fire, casualties avoided

Representatives of the West Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office specified that the airliner was on its way to Moscow.

Фото: from open sources

According to TASS, immediately after receiving information about the technical malfunction, the crew decided to emergency land the aircraft (Boieng 737) at the airport of departure. During the incident there were no victims or casualties, the supervisory agency specified.

According to preliminary information, the incident was recorded on December 8 at 06:21 Moscow time (02:21 Moscow time). Already around 07:00-07:04 Moscow time (03:00-03:04 Moscow time) the airliner made an emergency landing. All passengers (176 people) were taken back to the terminal building, the carrier is solving the issue of a duplicate flight.

Earlier it became known that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported a possible cause of engine fire of the Tu-204M airplane at takeoff at Ulan-Ude airport.
