Incidents05.07.2024 - 14:32

A fitness club visitor in St. Petersburg bit off a woman's finger

The fitness club staff called an ambulance and the police. One woman was missing a finger phalanx, the other was diagnosed with a concussion.

Фото: REN TV

A dramatic scene worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster played out in a quiet fitness club on Turistskaya Street. On July 4, at the height of training, two female athletes got into a furious fight that left behind a concussion, torn hair, scratches on the face and, most shockingly, the absence of a finger phalanx from one of the participants in the conflict.

Witnesses say it all started with foul language. Sporty ladies, it would seem, should have been a model of calm and composure, but on this day the degree of passions was off the scale. One of the participants of the conflict, according to eyewitnesses, did not like the manner of communication of her opponent. The verbal altercation turned into a physical scuffle.

The police were called by the woman who, according to eyewitnesses, initiated the conflict. She told the law enforcers that her finger was bitten off. Later, the girl with a concussion told reporters that she bit her opponent not on purpose, but at the moment when she tried to put her fingers in her mouth.

The aggressive woman pitches her story differently:

"I don't have a phalanx of my finger now..... I just came out of the shower. We have drawers together: hers at the bottom, mine at the top. And I turned my heel towards her. At that point, I think she just didn't like me." It was not possible to sew the finger back on - doctors explained that the risk of infection with germs from the mouth is too high.

The victim has already filed a report to the police, who have started an investigation into the incident. The police will have to sort out all the details of the fight, listen to both sides and determine the degree of guilt of each of the athletes.

Earlier in Ukhta fined a 24-year-old student for insulting a fitness club employee who reminded him about the end of the working day. The decision was handed down by the justice of the peace of the university judicial district.
