Health31.05.2024 - 13:50

Oncologist Smirnova named symptoms of brain cancer that killed actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

After the death of actress Anasatsiya Zavorotnyuk, who for a long time fought brain cancer, doctors decided to warn Russians about the symptoms of the dangerous disease.

Фото: from open sources

Earlier it became known that there was no actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who for a long time fought with brain cancer - glioblastoma.

According to doctors, this type of oncology is quite rare. For example, on average, the disease is diagnosed in 3.1 patients per 100 thousand people. In the age category of 75-84 years, glioblastoma occurs more often - in 15.03 per 100 thousand people.

Despite the fact that the risk of encountering glioblastoma is lower than getting breast cancer, doctors decided to warn Russians about the symptoms of the disease.

So, according to the doctor-oncologist, proctologist Elena Smirnova, alert a person should headaches that do not go away for a long time even after taking painkillers.

The doctor emphasizes that the nature of pain in brain cancer is different from the pain caused by migraine or stress.

At the same time, the frequency of pain and its intensity increase over time. They are most severe in the morning and evening hours, with physical activity, coughing and sneezing. In some cases, the pain is so severe that a person feels nausea, complains of deterioration of vision, hearing, coordination problems, cramps.

Smirnova emphasized that it is impossible to ignore these symptoms and should immediately seek help from specialists.

The most commonly used method of treatment for bioblastoma is surgery. However, to date, there are no studies that would provide serious evidence of the effectiveness of this treatment approach. However, if the brain tumor is removed, the patient can expect to prolong life up to 1-2 years.

If treatment is refused, the patient dies within three months.

Meanwhile, earlier experts were surprised by the fact that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk manages to fight the disease for many years. They explained this by the fact that doctors, probably, removed the tumor, and then conducted chemotherapy and radiation therapy, applying also non-standard approaches.

