Health27.09.2022 - 12:32

Vietnamese woman lives on one water for 40 years

A 63-year-old Vietnamese woman said she had been living on water alone for 40 years, giving up solid food.

Фото: from open sources

A Vietnamese woman gave up solid food 40 years ago. Since then, the 63-year-old retiree has only consumed water with a little sugar, salt and lemon juice.

As they say in Vietnam, such a diet allows you to maintain excellent physical shape. Besides, the pensioner forgot about her health problems. For her, water is the basis of life.

Until the age of 21, the woman ate the same way as everyone else, until the diseases began to pursue her one after another. The woman developed vision problems, nausea and blood disorders. That's why even then the young girl refused her medication and thought she was going to die soon. But the situation was saved by the doctor, who advised to drink only water and completely give up solid food.

The woman's relatives opposed this experimental treatment. They were sure that she would soon die of starvation. But after 40 years, the Vietnamese woman is not only alive, but feeling fine.
