Health26.02.2024 - 22:46

There are more people in Russia who have given up bad habits

Today, 44% of Russians still have bad habits.

Фото: from open sources

It is gradually becoming fashionable in Russia to follow a healthy lifestyle. According to surveys, the number of sports enthusiasts is growing in the country, and there are also more people who have decided to give up bad habits.

For example, according to a survey by the Federal Scientific and Clinical Centre of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, over the past four years the number of Russians with bad habits has decreased by 10% and now stands at 44%, writes Kommersant.

Thus, 36% of respondents admitted that they cannot deny themselves sweets. The same number of Russians named overeating as their bad habit.

27% of respondents abuse alcohol, 24% - cigarettes.

Smoking vapes was also mentioned as a bad habit. According to the survey, 16% of Russians smoke vapes. Abuse of energy drinks was also listed as a bad habit.

Earlier, the medical community noted that cancer began to grow younger. Also Dr Deborah Lee said that feeling tired, feeling unwell and pain in the right upper abdomen may indicate liver cancer.It is gradually becoming fashionable in Russia to follow a healthy lifestyle. According to surveys, the number of sports enthusiasts is growing in the country, and there are also more people who have decided to give up bad habits.

For example, according to a survey by the Federal Scientific and Clinical Centre of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, over the past four years the number of Russians with bad habits has decreased by 10% and now stands at 44%, writes Kommersant.
Thus, 36% of respondents admitted that they cannot deny themselves sweets. The same number of Russians named overeating as their bad habit.
27% of respondents abuse alcohol, 24% - cigarettes.
Smoking vapes was also mentioned as a bad habit. According to the survey, 16% of Russians smoke vapes. Abuse of energy drinks was also listed as a bad habit.
Earlier, the medical community noted that cancer began to grow younger. Also Dr Deborah Lee reported that
