The specialist told how to get rid of folds on the abdomen.
In order to quickly get rid of fat deposits on the abdomen, you need to watch your diet.
According to nutritionist, gynecologist-endocrinologist Ekaterina Volkova, first of all, include in the diet products that help burn fat.
This can be flaxseeds, olive oil or avocado, said the doctor on her page in the Telegram channel.
"Olive oil increases levels of serotonin and adiponectin, which promotes the destruction of fat. But it is worth remembering that dishes with olive oil are quite caloric, so it is important to respect the portion size and eat them mainly in the first half of the day," the expert warned.
As for avocado, it is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, protein, oleic acid, which reduces appetite.
It is also worth remembering protein foods. For example, a good combination is porridge from whole-grain cereals and a boiled egg. Fans of sandwiches will taste a sandwich with lightly salted fish and avocado.
Earlier, nutritionist Krivosheeva warned that the accumulation of visceral fat on the abdomen can lead to health problems.